SDGs Actions Details

■ Human rights and challenging opportunities

Application Space is a fair organization without gender or nationality discrimination in employment and promotion, where all employees play active roles.All employees have medical checkups and are entitled to get maternity, childcare, and nursing leaves. Furthermore, employees can select temporally part time work and apply for incentive programs to acquire qualifications.

■ Environment-friendly office

We introduce eco-friendly products including electric appliances, air conditioner, lights, and recycled consumables.
We are going to move to new office by December 2022, where renewable energy is introduced, considering environmental issues. We also provide education programs to improve employees’ awareness for recycling at the office and in their daily life.

■ Compliance

We have the ISO27001 certification (ISMS), which is the international standard of information security (IS) and provide the IS leaning program for new employees.
We also periodically provide updates of laws and regulations relevant to our business to all employees.

■ Contribution to local communities

We aim to abolish mandatory retirement system by March 2030 in order to keep aged manpower in our office.
From now on, we encourage employees to participate in volunteer programs in their local communities through incentives such as paid leaves or benefits.

■ Organization and Management

Considering business infrastructure failures due to natural disasters or accidents and business risks, we will establish the BCP to continue our business even under difficult situations.
Looking into the future, we will build new business model and evaluate achievement level of our SDGs for better approach.

SDGs Declaration

Application Space Co. Ltd. recognizes importance of the SDGs.
Now we declare our policy and approaches for implementation.

  • 1.

    Streamlining business

    We will reduce time and manual process by developing software to promote more efficient work process and paperless workflow.

  • 2.

    Far-sighted business model

    We will break away from the current business model, which is affected by our clients, so that we can develop and market our own products including maintenance/operation services, and the B to C business.

  • 3.

    Environment-friendly activities

    We will promote the Green Financing activity through the ESG investment*¹.
    We will suggest what we can do for realizing decarbonated society and develop CO2 reduction activities.

  • 4.

    Personnel system

    We will abolish the mandatory retirement system by March 2030 in employment and promotion. Instead, we will introduce the merit-based wage system.To secure employment of aging employees, we will acquire self-developed technologies in order not to be affected clients' demand.

  • *¹ESG investment is to invest in a company that contributes to Environment, Society and Governance.
    *²Green Financing Activity is to support financing of environment friendly activity such as contribution to decarbonated society.